Assembly Instructions


Follow along with the assembly video showing how to assemble the entire Studio CAM from start to first movements


Trolly Assembily

Step 0

Start by screwing the limit switches to side A, these should have the arm of each switch facing away from each other.

Step 1

Take H1 and the 4 5mm all thread, screw a nut onto the bottom of each, each of these is fed through the holes in H1

Step 2

Slide the spacers over the 5mm all-thread. These might be a 20mm single sleeve or split into 5 4mm sections per rod as long as they add up to 20 it will work.


Step 3

Slide the bearings on above the spacers.


Step 4

Add the remaining spacers to the threaded rod above the bearings.


Step 5

Using the second H1 section slide it over the threaded rods capturing the spacers and bearings between the two H1 pieces. When done add a nut to the top of each rod.


Step 6

Add both side A and side B onto the trolley that is being built. When on make sure to tighten the nuts on the threaded rod.


Step 7

Insert the 8mm bolt to the H2 piece.


Step 8

Push H2 onto the top of the current assembly, the threaded end should be facing up with the head captured between H1 and H2.


Step 9

Installing the brackets. Install the brackets, these will hold the motors to the trolly. it is important to remember that on side A the bracket is mounted in line with the slot in the MIDDLE of the material. The second bracket is mounted to the other side level with the top.

You can also install the motors at this point. The spindle goes through the hole in the bracket pointing to the top of the trolly.

Assembling the turn-table.

Step 10

Take the gear and insert the bearing, this will need to be glued in to secure it.

Step 11

Place spacer A over the bolt. Then place the gear onto the bolt. This can now be secured with the 8mm bolt.

Step 12

Take piece spacer B and place it around the head of the nut gluing it down as you do.

Step 13

Place the 6mm bolt (this is used to attach the camera) into spacer C, this is also something that you will want to glue (advisable on the head of the bolt to avoid gumming up the thread).

Step 14

Glue piece spacer B onto spacer C so that spacer B surrounds the head of the 6mm bolt. (Getting these central is not essential but it is good to get them as close as possible).

With this glue on top of T1 and you have a very nearly fully assembled turn-table.

Step 15

Install the gears/pulleys onto the motor shafts, on side A try and align the teeth of the gear with the center of the bearings, the closer this is the smoother it will run. The same should be done with the turntable motor but instead of aligning with the bearings align with the gear.  

Step 16 place the drive belt around the motor and gear (start with the motor and the rest can be wiggled onto the gear.


End shrouds.

These can be assembled on the aluminum extrusion. (try not to glue the shroud to the metal).

To fix it in place using the 8mm slot nut and an 8mm bolt.



Code upload


First install the Arduino IDE, this is the interface to both edit and upload code to an Arduino. In the tools tab make sure the board is set to Arduino and is connected to the correct com port (USB port).